Friday, September 14, 2012

Introduction to #THAGNM

I know you all are wondering what #THAGNM stands for and what the meaning is behind the phrase...Well let me take a minute to explain.
I first and foremost need to explain that the term "hoes" holds no specific gender. Whether it is a male referring to a male/female or a female referring to a male/ means the same. It is not meant to be used in a disrespectful way towards people because it is ONLY to be used when people are being disrespectful to the world! Got it? Pay attention...
For example: A guy is walking down the street and he has on pants that are so small they cant be pulled up past his knees, his boxers are out, and every girl that walks past he is calling names if they dont give him any play. <--- #THAGNM
That is just an that you are aware of the term, you will begin to see how relevant this is to everyday life. #THAGNM is a movement to bring awareness to people making a bad name for the human race that this madness will not be taken lightly!
If you are on Twitter, tweet with the hashtag #THAGNM everytime you experience a moment of a lack of mannerisms. Also follow the founders:
You're welcome as you begin seperating yourself from these mannerless hoes and join the #THAGNM movement! #THAGNM is also pronounced (Thag - num) and is said along with a head shake (SMH) to add extra humor to the situation!
Visit the store and get your #THAGNM shirt today!

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